幻の猫たち 改訂版


Sequentia  『The Rheingold Curse』

『The Rheingold Curse』 
A Germanic Saga of Greed and Revenge 
from the Medieval Icelandic Edda 

CD: marc aurel edition 
MA 20016 (2002) [2CD] 



DISC I  [44:47] 

1. Hlióðs bið ec allar kindir (Vǫluspá I)  8:34 
The Prophecy of the Seeress, part 1 
Rodenkirchen (swan's bone flute) - Christensen & Norin (voices) 

2. Óðinn oc Hœnir oc Loki hǫfðo komit til Andvarafors (Reginsmál)  8:49 
The Lay of Regin 
Bagby (voice & lyre) 

3. Sveinn oc sveinn, hveriom ertu sveini um borinn? (Fáfnismál)  9:41 
The Lay of Fafnir 
Gaver (fiddle) - Christensen, Norin, & Bagby (voices) - Rodenkirchen (flute) 

4. Hvat beit brynio, hví brá ec svefni? (Sigrdrífomál)  5:26 
The Lay of Brynhild 
Christensen & Bagby (voices) - Rodenkirchen (flute) 

5. Instrumental interlude  2:36 
Gaver (fiddle) & Rodenkirchen (flute) 

6. Ár var, þatz Sigurðr sótti Giúca (Sigurðarkviða in scamma I)  9:41 
A Short Poem about Sigurd, part 1 
Gaver (fiddle) - Bagby, Christensen & Norin (voices) 

DISC II  [44:35] 

1. Ár var, þaz Guðrún gorðiz at deyia (Guðrúnarkviða in Fyrsta)  8:45 
The First Lay of Gudrun 
Bagby & Rodenkirchen (lyres) - Norin (voice) 

2. Kona varp ǫndo, enn konungr fiorvi (Sigurðarkviða in scamma II)  4:55 
A Short Poem about Sigurd, part 2 
Bagby & Christensen (voices) 

3. Mӕr var ec meyia, móðir mic fœddi (Guðrúnarkviða ǫnnor)  8:30 
The Second Lay of Gudrun 
Gaver (fiddle) - Norin & Christensen (voices) 

4. Atli sendi ár til Gunnars (Atlakviða)  13:34 
The Lay of Atli 
Rodenkirchen (flute) - Christensen (drum) - Bagby (voice) - Norin (voice) 

5. Þat Man hon fólcvíg fyrst í heimi (Vǫluspá II)  8:51 
The Prophecy of the Seeress, part 2 
Gaver (fiddle) - Christensen, Norin & Bagby (voices) - Rodenkirchen (swan's bone flute) 

Concept, musical direction, final text versions, musical reconstructions of the sung texts: Benjamin Bagby 
Instrumental arrangements and accompaniments by Elizabeth Gaver (fiddle) and Norbert Rodenkirchen (flutes), in collaboration with Benjamin Bagby (lyre). 
Pronunciation and language consultation (before and during the production): Heimir Pálsson (Reykjavík) 

Sung texts from the *Codex Regius* (Reykjavík, Iceland, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, Gl.kgl.sml.2365 4to.) in the editions of Gustav Neckel / Hans Kuhn (Heidelberg, 1962), with editorial adjustments made by Heimir Pálsson based on the facsimile of *Codex Regius*. 

Benjamin Bagby, director: Voice - Lyre 
Agnethe Christensen: Voice (Brynhildur) - Drum 
Lena Susanne Norin: Voice (Guðrún) 
Elizabeth Gaver: Fiddle 
Nobert Rodenkirchen: Flutes - Lyre 

Recorded 2-5 September, 2001 
DeutschlandRadio, Sendesaal des Funkhauses Köln 
Executive producers: Aurelius Donath and Jon Aaron 
Musical producer: Elizabeth Ostrow 
Recording engineers: John Newton (soundmirror, Boston USA) and Hein Decker (Philips International) 
Recorded in 5-channel and stereo Direct Stream Digital (DSD
DSD recorder / editor: Pyramix Virtual Studio by Merging Technologies 
A/D and D/A converters: dCS 904 / 954 
Editing: Holger Busse, Polyhymnia Int., Baarn, Holland 

Cover art work: Detail (excerpt of Vǫluspá I) from *Codex Regius* 
(Reykjavík, Iceland, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar) 
Photos from the Sequentia/Ping-Chong Edda stage production: David Smith 
Text editing: Dr. Jens Markowsky 

A co-production with DeutschlandRadio and Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln 
Co-producers: Richard Lorber (WDR 3) and Ludwig Rink (DeutschlandRadio) 
c + p 2001, marc aurel edition, LC 00572, catalogue number: MA 20016 

◆本CD解説(Benjamin Bagby)より◆ 

「The legend of the cursed Rheingold, of the boy-hero Sigurd, of King Gunnar and his beautiful sister Gudrun, of Attila the Hun and his Valkyre-sister Brynhild, are contradictory, weird, and seem to take place in a dreamscape which easily includes both Mirkwood forest, the Rhine River and the glaciers of Iceland. It is a legend based on names of places and people (some of whom existed), freely mixed with the old Germanic gods, cunning dwarves, dragons, shape-changers, magical swords and horses, supernatural beings and talking birds; an archaic story which enthralled many generations of Europeans as they listened to the bards and minstrels who formed the fabric of their tribal memories.」



2枚組デジパック仕様。三方背スリーブケース。ブックレット(全184頁)にトラックリスト&クレジット、「The Rheingold Curse: Introduction/Der Fluch des Rheingoldes: Einführung/La Malédiction de l'Or du Rhin. Introduction」「Note on the production/Anmerkung zur Produktion/Note sur la production」(Benjamin Bagby)、「The Eddic Poems/Die Lieder-Edda/Les poèmes de l'Edda」(Heimir Pálsson)、「The Reconstruction of Eddic Performance/Die Rekonstruktion der Edda-Aufführung/Recréation d'une interprétation de l'Edda」(Benjamin Bagby)、「Sequentia」(演奏者紹介/英・独・仏文/モノクロ写真図版2点)、歌詞(アイスランド語原文/英・独・仏訳)。






Fáfnismál (The Lay of Fafnir)