幻の猫たち 改訂版


『The Courts of Love: Music from the Time of Eleanor of Aquitaine』  Sinfonye / Stevie Wishart: director 

『The Courts of Love: Music from the Time of Eleanor of Aquitaine』 
Sinfonye / Stevie Wishart: director 

CD: Hyperion Records Limited, London 
CDA66367 (1990) 
Made in England 



The Courts of Love 
Music from the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine 

Gui d'Ussel (born c1170; died before 1225) 
1. Se be-m partetz, mala dompna, de vos (Though you part me from you, cruel lady)  7:47 
voice, fiddle 

Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (born c1150; died c1207) 
2. Kalenda Maia ni fueills de faia (Neither May Day nor beech leaves)  5:55 
voice, fiddle, bendir 
3. Kalenda Maia ni fueills de faia  3:21 
fiddle, bendir 

4. L'on dit q'amors est dolce chose (They say that love is a sweet thing)  3:43 
voice, fiddle, bendir 

Bernart de Ventadorn (1125-1195) 
5. Era-m cosselhatz, senhor (Advise me now, my lords tenso)  4:53 
6. Conortz, era sai ben (Conort, now do I know well)  2:13 
7. Can vei la lauzeta mover (When I see the lark beating its wings)  3:54 
fiddle, bendir, harp 

Cadenet (possibly early 13th century) 
8. San'c fuy belha ni prezada (If before I was beautiful)  7:40 
voice, symphony, lute, pandeiro 
9. San'c fuy belha ni prezada  4:41 
symphony, lute, pandeiro 

Giraut de Bornelh (flourished c1165-1200) 
10. S'i-us quer conselh, bel' ami' Alamanda (If I ask your advice, pretty friend Alamanda)  9:20 
voice, lute, harp 

Gace Brulé (born c1160; died after 1213) 
11. Quant je voi la noif remise (When I see the white snow)  2:27 
12. Quant voi le tens bel et cler (When I see the season)  2:11 
13. Quant flours et glais (When flower and ice)  4:20 
14. Quant voi renverdir (When I see the greening)  1:50 
fiddle, bendirs 

Performing editions by Stevie Wishart 

Mara Kiek: voice 
Stevie Wishart: medieval fiddles, symphony 
Jim Denley: bendirs and pandeiro 
Paula Chateauneuf: medieval lute 
Bonnie Shaljean: medieval harp 

Stevie Wishart: director 

Recorded on 10, 11 April 1989 
Recording Engineer: Tony Faulkner 
Recording Producer: Martin Compton 
Design: Terry Shannon 
Executive Producers: Cecile Kelly, Edward Perry 
(P) & (C) Hyperion Records Ltd, London, MCMXC 
Front illustration: *The Month of April* from *Les Très Riches Heures* du Duc de Berry 

[1][6][7] *The Milan Chansonnier*, Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, MS R 71 sup. 
[2][4][7] *The Chansonnier St Germain*, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr.20050 
[2][8][10] Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr.22543 
[2][12] *The Chansonnier de l'Arsenal*, Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, MS 5198 
[7][11][12] *The Chansonnier du Roi*, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, MS fr.844 
[8] Escorial MS b.I.2 
[12][13][14] *The Chansonnier Cangé*, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr.846 

Medieval fiddles: oval fiddle (after illustrations in the *Cantigas de Santa Maria* MSS) and waisted fiddle by Alan Crumpler. Tuned according to Jerome of Moravia's *Tractatus de Musica* 
Medieval harp by Alan Crumpler 
Medieval lute by Stephen Barber (1975), after Arnaut de Zwolle (c1450) 
Percussion: traditional hand-played drums from northern Spain (pandeiro) and Morocco (various sizes of bendir) after medieval representations 
Symphony (hurdy-gurdy, after thirteenth-century Castilian carvings and extant Galician instruments) by Christopher Eaton 

French and Provençal texts and translations were prepared by Stephen Haynes who also guided the pronunciation. 

◆本CD解説(Stevie Wishart)より(大意)◆ 

想像上の遊戯としての「恋愛法廷」(Courts of Love)については、「恋愛に関する様々な裁き」についての長い章を含むアンドレアス・カペラヌス(Andreas Capellanus)の『恋愛の技術』で述べられている(アンドレアスは1181年から1187年にかけてその名の通りシャンパーニュ伯夫人の宮廷付司祭(chaplain)であったと思われる)。そこでは王妃アリエノール(1204年没)やシャンパーニュ伯爵夫人、フランドル伯爵夫人イザベル、ナルボンヌ子爵夫人エルマンガルドといった錚々たる貴婦人たちが主宰する、恋人同士の諍いを宮廷風恋愛(courtly love)の法(laws)に則って裁く法廷のことが語られていて、トルバドゥールの歌の世界観の中で演じられるこうした法廷ごっこは、(女性差別に基づく)中世的社会秩序に対する辛辣な揶揄たりうるものであった。


中世音楽アンサンブル「シンフォニエ」の、『ベラ・ドムナ(Bella Domna)』に続く第2作『恋愛の法廷――アリエノール・ダキテーヌの時代の音楽』。1989年録音。

ブックレット(全20頁)にトラックリスト&クレジット、Stevie Wishartによる解説(英文)、歌詞原文と英訳、モノクロ図版3点。ブックレット裏表紙にカラー図版1点。


